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The Right Skill Assessment
Wherever Code Matters
Programmers provides feature-rich, quality-proven skill assessment solutions including algorithm coding tests, data science/AI problem solving tests, web/app development tests, and basic knowledge tests.
Number of Partners
Total Coding Test takers
Max Concurrent Test takers
Number of Questions

Online supervision
Online testing without problems
even during COVID-19
Are you reluctant to have offline coding tests because of COVID-19? You can conduct fair tests with %{service_name}.
Online proctoring and recording
The online monitoring function prevents cheating by recording the examinee's image/voice and screen. If you are burdened with offline testing, consider conducting online testing.

Stable Server Environment
Stable and Seamless Massive Tests
Hosting 20,000 Live Accesses
Programmers safely operates not only for small-scale tests but also for Korea's largest recruitment process. We provide stability and can quickly solve unexpected issues based on our solid server technology.
Thorough Preparation + High-End Server Environment
We flexibly respond to sudden traffic growth through Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) as well as server expansion and pre-load test(BMT) according to test size.
Large-Scale Offline Recruitment Support
We directly support various situations that can happen in field tests, based on know-how gained from experience in local large-scale test operations with Kakao, LINE, SK Hynix, Netmarble, etc.

Strong Management Function
Powerful Tools
for Easy Test Management
Focus more easily on recruitment through management tools for test managers. These are essential for large-scale tests or complicated recruitment procedures.
Cheat Analysis
Abnormal testing, such as code copying/pasting, typing someone else's source code, etc. is reported.
Multiple Access IP Tracking
You can set a test to be inaccessible to multiple IPs at once. If such an attempt is detected, the IP is automatically blocked and follow-up measures by a test manager are requested.
Authority Setting per Manager
If there are multiple managers involved in a test, the scope of authority may vary. You can set authority freely based on how you are hiring in a team.
Diversified Skill Verification
To learn more about the applicant's real proficiency,
your test using a variety of questions.
Configure a test with a variety of questions and check an applicant in various ways. We have questions for checking applicants' algorithm knowledge and utilization skills, and questions structured to check their question-solving skills and code styles.
Programming Test
Contains questions for checking basic coding ability and understanding regarding algorithms / data structures or SQL. You can check the applicant's knowledge range and communication ability by using multiple choice/essay problems.
A specific situation to be solved by an applicant is given in question text. The situation is solved by using a programming language. This is suitable for checking the basic skills including ability to read the text and determine requirements, ability to select suitable algorithms / data structures and ability to write efficient code.
SQL(Structured Query Language) is a database management language often used in practice, and is one of the basic skills of a developer. An applicant is given a situation to extract specific data or to enter or modify specific data to be evaluated on the ability to write appropriate and efficient SQL statements.
Multiple choice question
By using a multiple choice question, an applicant's knowledge level or scope regarding the job can be determined in a quiz form.
Essay Test
By using an essay question, you can get a glimpse of not only an applicant's logic, but also communication skills through the answers.
Practical Competency Test
Assess applicants' job expertise and workplace performance. You can determine your applicants' ability of managing project and implementation in real-workplace.
Data Science
Source code submitted by an applicant is directly run on the web using the Jupyter environment. There is no need for a separate download. An applicant need to process vast amounts of data and derive meaningful information.
Practical Competency Assignment
Assess real-workplace skills with competency questions pool. Practical Competency Test(for BE, FE) composed of comprehensive questions and module questions will be served.
Price Information
Trial Free Trial
20 Applicants Free (For 30 days)
Free for 30 days! Experience basic functions of Programmers. You can create a coding test by using a demo problem set and invite up to 20 applicants.
- Demo QuestionSet
- Create Your Own Question
- Invite 20 Applicants / 1 invitation ticket per person
- 1 Manager
₩11,000 per applicant (VAT included)
Suitable when the recruitment intake is small. You can use the basic question set for checking the understanding and utilization ability with respect to algorithms / data structures.
- Basic Question Set
- Create Your Own Question
- Unlimited Invitation / 1 invitation ticket per person
- 1 Manager
Separate Contract
Suitable when recruitment scale is large (open recruitment) or when a more elaborate method is needed to select applicants. You can experience all the expertise of Programmers related to coding tests.
- Premium Question Set
- Create Your Own Question
- 채점 결과 비공개 기능
- Unlimited Invitation / 1 invitation ticket per person
- 5 Managers
- Manager Function for Human Resources Personnel and Interviewer based on Authority
- Variety of Test Options for Local Employment Environment
- Cheating Detection Function
- Test Site Operation (Extra charge)
별도 계약
교육기관 및 학교에 적합한 플랜입니다. 코딩테스트 관련된 프로그래머스 전문성을 경험할 수 있으며, 학습자를 위한 에듀케이션 문제 세트를 사용할 수 있습니다.
- 에듀케이션 문제 세트
- 직접 문제 생성 가능
- 지원자 무제한 초대 / 1명당 초대권 1장
- 관리자 5명